Monday Musing 212 - "In the beginning there was the word..."
There is great magic in words.
Many of them are not merely words but stories unto themselves. Over a period of
time they acquire a life of their own and the average reader is far removed
from its origins or initial usage. The science of it is called Etymology.
In the course of enjoying a recent
book I happen to learn the origin of the word ‘sincere’. Apparently in the old
times while a sculptor would make a bust or an idol, he would apply wax to fill
cracks if any and then cover them with the crushed stone powder with which the
bust was being made. Obviously those with such wax linings were considered of
poorer quality than the ones which did not have any cracks and hence did not
need such wax corrections. Hence the one which were pure, were without wax or sin cere as in latin, and
voila – sincere!!
I suddenly recollected how a
classmate of mine during my business school had educated us, quite dramatically
at that, that the act of making decision was essentially a violent act.
Apparently it is not such a great idea of be in two minds and vacillate between
two positions. To arrive at a decision is to kill the two and arrive at one, i.e. de (two) Cide (kill) and
voila again decide!!
Dan Brown in his novel The last
word opines that early thinkers and ancient people considered the mind as the
most powerful reservoir of wisdom, energy and power. Such an enlightened mind
was capable to creating miracles and hence worthy of being worshiped. Hence the
word temple to describe the side of
the head – the holy place where such a mind rests.
The Italians would keep a ship
suspected with contamination or carrier of infections in observation for forty
days, (quaranta = forty) and hence
anything under observation in a secluded place or position is to be quarantined.
The Bible says “In the beginning
there was the word…” It’s not surprising that most religions have written words
that are considered holy and pious. All religions have some book or the other
for its followers to abide by, take inspiration from, resort to in times of
ambivalence, ambiguity and crisis. These written words have stories to tell,
advise to give, directions to provide, comfort to offer and at the end of it
all, happiness to promise. It is through the words, its meaning and imagery
that they have managed to survive, thrive and spread over hundreds of years. Then
it suddenly dawns upon me that in my own religion Sikhism the hymns sung in
mellifluous raags, which should have
been called as songs are not called songs but are actually called Shabads,
which means ‘word’.
Let’s know the world of words
True, it will be really intresting to see the origin of some words that we use frequently use...