189 Monday Musings: The AAP phenomena and organisations
victory of the political novice AAP in Delhi will be dissected for quite some
time now as it must be. The so called middle class shot to economic prominence
in the last decade of the previous century with its colossal purchasing power
along with consumption power. Every producer of goods and services paid homage
to the likes and dislikes of this block of consumers. Choice was a bad word
till then because the consumer had none and the producers had no incentive to
give one – from scooters to TV, from telephone to clothes the gloom of
choicelessness was all pervasive. Economic emancipation fired and fanned by the
forces of liberalization finally changed that. Business writing started to
recognize the collective might of the middle class and perhaps the best work on
this came from the bureaucrat Pavan K Verma who wrote ‘The great Indian middle
emancipation often makes way for a need for political and cultural
emancipation. The AAP dent in the political universe must be seen in that light.
A group of people wanted a voice, wanted to be heard and taken notice of – and
when the traditional system refused to do that they made themselves heard by
taking matters in their own hands.
us examine the lessons for organizations from this.
Recognize the shifts in the voices for all segments/functions/departments. With
time the prominence of departments change and the voice available to them must
be commensurate to their emerging criticality. Backbenchers of yesteryears may
be at the vanguard of tomorrow.
Provide organized and formal avenues of expression to teams and individuals. It
is foolhardy to believe that the system ‘knows what ails itself’ all the time.
The power of self correction is often overestimated in systems however
desirable it might be. One never knows when a minor thread of discontent
becomes a short fuse for a revolt.
Change the nature and the idiom of discourse with the changing times. Speak in
metaphors of the times and not of a bygone era. When the corporate geriatrics
(read 45 plus) rule the Gen X, fault lines will emerge. Similarly each function
has a different idiom and when the conversation within the organization takes
place in the idiom of the dominant department then we are sowing seeds of
discontent. The organizations must have an amoebic ability to reach out and
engage in ‘local’ idiom of every unit, function and department.
Finally, never underestimate an upstart. Do not ridicule early voices for or
against an idea or a policy. Isolated voices gather momentum because, to borrow
Voltaire’s words, ‘it’s time may have come’. Organizational movements are
messier than political revolts because they are rarely visible. They can
paralyze a system, rob it of its ability to create what it can and be what it
can be.
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